Tri-Fold Brochures: Brief informative marketing pieces providing information on how the DRX9000® can help with back pain. Great to keep in your lobby.
ID# DRX9000®-MK-0309
Tri-Fold Brochures: Informational brochure to briefly explain how the DRX9000c can help with neck pain. Great to keep in your lobby.
ID# DRX9000C-MK-0309
Educational Booklet: This is a great tool to give to patients that shares with them causes of back pain, about the spine, and how the DRX9000™ can help.
ID# DRX9000®-0001 REVC
Pocket Folder: Cover folder to keep all marketing material for patients
ID# DRX9000®-MK-5500
The DRX9000® is the Worlds Most Advanced Non-Surgical Treatment for Back and Neck Pain