by excitemedical | Apr 25, 2020 | ExciteMedical
CONTACT: Saleem Musallam Excite Medical ™ Phone Number: +1-813-210-1000 Website: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Tampa, FL. – May 8, 2013: Excite Medical installs a DRX9000® and DRX9000C in Albenga, Italy. The system was sold by Decom Italia, a Venice...
by excitemedical | Apr 24, 2020 | ExciteMedical
CONTACT: Saleem Musallam Excite Medical™ Phone Number: +1-813-210-1000 Website: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Tampa, FL. – March 26, 2013: Excite Medical is pleased to announce that it has installed a DRX9000® Lumbar Unit and a DRX9000C Cervical...
by excitemedical | Apr 23, 2020 | ExciteMedical
CONTACT: Saleem Musallam Excite Medical™ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Tampa, FL. – January 29, 2013: In January 2012, Excite Medical installed a DRX9000® & DRX9000C in Al Jedaani Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab nation in the Middle...
by excitemedical | Apr 21, 2020 | ExciteMedical
Excite Medical is Pleased to Announce Its Expansion into a 1,000m² Facility! CONTACT: Saleem Musallam Excite Medical Phone Number: +1-813-210-1000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Tampa, FL. – January 16, 2013: Excite Medical is please to announce its expansion into a...
by Pankaj Bhardwaj | May 10, 2019 | ExciteMedical
Seven health care firms in the region, from software to surgical gear, showed some muscle during a recent trade show trip to Germany. The companies were part of a contingent of some 50 Florida businesses that sent officials to MEDICA, an annual confab held in...
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